How Hypnotherapy Eases Flying Anxiety

Do you often worry about air travel? Is your fear of flying phobia taking over your life?
Do people ridicule you for your fear of flying in an aeroplane? Tried everything but cannot brush off this fear?
If these questions plague your mind from time to time, then you are in need of a fear of flying cure.
You may have been believed to think your fear of flying overseas is childish and irrational, but trust me, it is genuine to experience this feeling. Living with a fear of flying is not easy, especially when you have to put off vacation plans and professional commitments. It is not only distressing for you, but also for those around you.
As a professional hypnotherapist, I have come across many of my clients seeking flying anxiety help and have successfully helped them deal with their flying phobias. However, to quell the fear of flying in an aeroplane, it is vital to dig deeper and first understand the underlying issue.
In this blog, I uncover all about flying anxiety and talk about how hypnotherapy acts like a game-changer on the path to overcoming the fear of flying in an aeroplane.
Fear of Flying Phobia and Its Causes
What Is the Fear of Flying?
The term ‘fear of flying’ is also interchangeably used with terms like aviophobia, flying phobia, flying anxiety, and aerophobia. It is one of the most common phobias. With almost one in ten individuals with a fear of flying in an aeroplane, helicopter, or any flying vehicle, this phobia is more common than you think.
Individuals with aeroplane anxiety fall into one of the two groups.
- Getting anxious about losing “internal loss of control” stems from a feeling that you will lose control of your emotions mid-flight, resulting in embarrassment in front of others on board.
- Or you may fear the involvement of extrinsic factors such as bad weather, turbulence, or a fault with the aeroplane, leading to a crash or any other unsavoury experience.
Flying anxiety is not restricted to when you are inside an aircraft. Anything from booking a holiday, arriving at the airport, and thinking about flying overseas, can trigger your anxiety.
What Are the Causes of Flying Anxiety?
The exact causes for fear of flying phobia are unknown; however, the condition is related to various factors.
- Previous traumatic experiences
- No control over the flying experience
- Health conditions such as PTSD, claustrophobia and panic disorder
- Family history of phobias and anxiety issues
- Coping mechanism for trauma
Despite being one of the safest ways to travel, many individuals get nervous and are afraid of flying to some degree, but only a small proportion fit the criteria for a phobia diagnosis. Whether or not your fear of flying in an aeroplane has transformed into a phobia, it can have undesirable effects on your life.
Continue reading to know how hypnotherapy can work as a fear of flying cure and can help you turn your life around.

How Hypnotherapy Works as a Fear of Flying Cure
Fear of flying phobia is common, but overcoming it takes a lot of courage and practice and is only possible with the right treatment.
Avoiding flying altogether may seem like an escape route, but it turns counterproductive by feeding your fear of flying and making it more intense. The most important factor here is anticipatory anxiety, which is the fear you experience in the anticipation of flying.
Hypnotherapy works well as a solution to your fear of flying in an aeroplane by tackling this anticipatory anxiety that is associated with intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
What to Expect From My Sessions
In my hypnotherapy sessions, I use hypnosis to connect with your subconscious to modify your thoughts and behaviours associated with flying. I get to the root cause of your fear of flying phobia and reprogramme the negative thinking patterns into calm logic and rationale.
The techniques I use help overcome your fear of flying in an aeroplane
In your sessions with me, I help you enter a relaxed state of mind and ask you to visualise scenarios. These scenarios would centre around the exact point in your journey that you start feeling anxious, for instance, booking a holiday or entering a plane. During this technique, I may ask you to focus on your feelings and the triggers behind the fear. With calming words, I try to quell the fear in your subconscious mind and regain your sense of control.
Suggestion therapy is a hypnosis technique and often finds success as a fear of flying cure. In an altered state of consciousness, I help you associate positive emotions and feelings of calm with the activity of flying.
Trust Innerworth Counselling to Drive Away Your Fear of Flying Phobia
Through professional flying anxiety help from a trained and licenced hypnotherapist, you can successfully overcome your fears and phobias. With tried and tested techniques, I’ll reprogramme your mind to bid farewell to your fear of flying in an aeroplane and help you reclaim your life.
But that’s not all!
I can also help you deal with issues such as depression, OCD and anxiety. Together, we will work towards opening the doors to a better, more fulfilling life.
To explore more of my treatments, reach out to me!